Bed and Breakfast Cinque terre Accommodation

Bed and breakfast Marisa a Monterosso al Mare nelle cinque terre è un BED AND BREAKFAST familiare B B Marisa si trova al primo piano di una villetta a due piani in un giardino di aranci e limoni . Bed and breakfast Marisa è nel centro di monterosso, a pochi passi dalla stazione dalle spiagge e dal lungomare ma al contempo B&B Marisa è immerso nella tranquillità e nei suoni della campagna fondendo in sè l' antica tradizione ligure.

Cinque terre Bed&breakfast MarisaThe B&B Marisa is located at the first floor of a Villa. Marisa Bed&breakfast is just a few steps from the heart of Cinque terre, very close to Railway Station. We offer nice and clean rooms to enjoy a charming, typical B&B Accommodation for your lodging in Cinque terre. From Marisa Bed&Breakfast, you may easily reach the centre of Monterosso al mare and the beaches.bed&breakfast Marisa is in a garden of orange and
lemon trees.


Cinque terre Bed&breakfast Marisa The B&B Marisa is located at the first floor of a Villa. Marisa Bed&breakfast is just a few steps from the heart of Cinque terre, very close to Railway Station. We offer nice and clean rooms to enjoy a charming, typical B&B Accommodation for your lodging in Cinque terre. From Marisa Bed&Breakfast, you may easily reach the centre of Monterosso al mareand the beaches.bed&breakfast Marisa is in a garden of orange and lemon trees.

Bed and breakfast cinque terre Italy: B&B Marisa
Sito in italiano English site Gasthöfe und B&B in Cinque Terre  Hébergements Cinque Terre camas habitaciones in cinque terre   

Bed&breakfast Marisa is located in Monterosso al mare, in Cinque terre, 200 metres from train station, 100 metre from promanade to old centre, and 100 metres from beaches. Bed&breakfast Marisa is in the new part of Monterosso, side of the train station and beaches. Up to a silent, closed street (but very central), here you can still enjoy the magic silence of Monterosso.

Bed & Breakfast Marisa is 5 minutes walk from train station and is also easily reached by car.

 For reservations email us

cinque terre map cinque terre map cinque terre map


See road map


When you arrive up the hill and begin to come down (number 5 on the map), take Direction "Fegina centro" straight down on the right.

(do not take direction Centro storico, the traffic is close on the sea promenade)

When you arrive in front of the sea, you turn up in via Molinelli till the end of the street, N.24

Bed&Breakfast Marisa - via Molinelli 24 - phone: 0187817452 - 0187817659 - Monterosso al mare - Cinque terre